Introducing Bright Dental: Brush Your Dogs' Teeth Without Actually Brushing Their Teeth

Introducing Bright Dental: Brush Your Dogs' Teeth Without Actually Brushing Their Teeth
Bad breath is a really big deal. Over 80% of dogs will develop gum disease by the age of three. Just like in humans, infections in the mouth can spread to the rest of the body and cause major health issues. So bad breath isn’t just unpleasant — it’s actually a symptom of other things you want to avoid. And while at-home brushing is critical for keeping your dog’s mouth clean (and breath fresh), our research found that more than two-thirds (69%) of dog parents have never done it. Why? Because they don’t realize how common dental disease is (it is)... or they think a dental treat is enough to prevent it (it’s not). That’s why the dog people at BARK partnered with Novozymes — the experts when it comes to enzymes — to solve the bad breath problem once and for all. Today, BARK is releasing Bright Dental, an innovative triple-enzyme daily toothpaste and chew. It’s easy to use, it actually works, and it’s delivered monthly for just $1/day on It is also available at Target beginning March 1 and CVS beginning March 27.

How does Bright Dental work?

Bright is an award-winning, first-of-its-kind, 3-enzyme (read: things that catalyze biochemical reactions) system that tackles the debris that leads to bad breath and can cause other serious health problems in your pup. No other dog dental product has three enzymes, which is why Bright is much more effective than anything else on the market. Of the three enzymes, two of them are naturally occurring in your dog’s mouth. Bright dials them up, and then adds the third enzyme to turbocharge the process. Together, they create a cascade effect that keeps mouths clean and breath fresh. The science sounds complicated, but it’s quite simple — Bright supercharges your dog’s natural, self-cleaning process with a “ringer” enzyme. No, it’s never been done before, and yes, it works very well. Bright is two parts: a gel and a chew. The enzymes are in the gel, which you squeeze onto the tasty (chicken flavored) dental chew and give to your dog as a treat. (We recommend brushing with your pup every morning — imagine the content opportunities!). The chew scrubs plaque and tartar off the teeth, and then the enzymes break down the gross stuff to reveal fresh breath. In short, you’re brushing your dog’s teeth without having to “brush” their teeth. Bright Dental is so smart, Time Magazine gave it a special mention in their Best Inventions of 2019 list!

What pet parents are saying

BARK sampled Bright to BarkBox and Super Chewer subscribers in Fall 2019. It sold out in 48 hours, and our customers have sent rave reviews:
“Cleo LOVES her late night dental chew, and she will remind me if I forget. I usually have to wrestle her to get her teeth brushed and end up covered in toothpaste and drool, and then she shuns me for about an hour. I’ve noticed that some of the plaque near her gums seems to be getting worked away, I am looking forward to seeing how this works after a few months. Cleo’s picky butt definitely approves of them, she reacts the same as her favorite treats..lots of excited spins!” - Erin & Cleo “Actually, this is the first dental product Winnie has ever eaten and liked.” - Kathie & Winnie "Billy sure enjoys the treat and his breath has no odor to it whatsoever which is great since sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with him next to me, head on my shoulder and breathing in my face!!" - Ann & Billy
You can learn more and purchase a subscription at, or stop by local Target and CVS stores in March to pick up individual packs.

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New Study: Nearly 70% of Dog Parents Have Never Brushed Their Dogs' Teeth
New Study: Nearly 70% of Dog Parents Have Never Brushed Their Dogs' Teeth

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