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doxon puppy playing on blue background

Puppy Survival Guide 5–6 Months Old: A Monthly Cheat Sheet For Raising A Puppy & Preserving Your Sanity

Welcome to your puppy’s awkward and ornery adolescent months! In this third edition of our Puppy Survival Guide series for whippersnappers aged 5–6 months, we...

HealthIs Your Dog Sick? Watch For These 10 Common Signs

Is Your Dog Sick? Watch For These 10 Common Signs

Wouldn't it be wonderful if pets could talk? When a dog is sick, they could simply place a paw on our shoulder and tell us all about it. Unfortunately, our pups cannot communicate verbally. Instead...

Healthtwo puppies

Puppy Survival Guide 3–4 Months: A Monthly Cheat Sheet For Raising A Puppy & Preserving Your Sanity

Congrats—you made it through your fuzzy butterball’s first month home! Through your weary, sleep-deprived eyes, we give you this second chapter in our Puppy S...

HealthHow To Reverse Dog Dental Disease & Gum Disease
Healthhuman and puppy

Puppy Survival Guide 7–9 Months: A Monthly Cheat Sheet For Raising A Puppy & Preserving Your Sanity

Your pup told us to tell you you’re doing a great job! Reach over and give those toe beans a high five. In this 4th edition of our Puppy Survival Guide series...

HealthDog Teeth Chattering: What Does It Mean?

Dog Teeth Chattering: What Does It Mean?

For Pups With Short Attention Spans... A dog's teeth can chatter for a number of reasons. It could be something simple: they may be cold (give them a sweater!), excited, or reacting to certain sm...